Opening Hours

Opening Seasons January 5 ~ Early June
Opening Hours 10:00 ~ 15:00
(Guests should enter the farm by 14:00)
Regular holiday Lrregular holidays
Please see the Reservation calendar
Reservation start From December 1st every year

Requests and notes regarding reservations

Complete reservation system (If you come to the park without a reservation, you may not be able to enter the park)
The number of strawberries picked is limited, so please come as soon as possible.
Admission time will change at any time depending on the growing conditions of strawberries.
The daily capacity is managed by the staff every day because the growth of his strawberries is affected by the weather.


January 5 〜 May 6 May 7 〜 June 1
Adults &
Junior High-School Students
¥4,000 ¥2,500
Elementary School Students ¥3,000 ¥2,000
Age 3 or older ¥2,000 ¥1,500
Age 1 or 2 ¥500 ¥500
Age 0 Free Free

We accept reservations from the following

Please make a reservation from the WEB reservation system of the banner below.

You can also call (072-440-0200), but we may not be able to accept it if you are serving customers or on the phone. note that.